On Saturday, January 20th, Chococat jumped or lost his footing from the second floor and landed at the bottom of the staircase. He ran up the stairs where I caught him after I rushed over there from hearing him meowing in pain. I picked him up and when I did I noticed his left rear ankle was flopping around so we rushed to the emergency vet. Due to cost, at the ER, we had him examined, his leg splinted and pain meds injected. We called my mother’s vet and they were able to get us an appointment to be seen the next day on Sunday. So on Sunday, we dove 2 hours to the vet. They examined him, gave him another pain med injection, and x-rays. The x-rays showed 2 fractures, one clean through the tibia and another through the fibula just above the ankle. They could not reset the bones and cast it due to location, so the only options were to correct it surgically or amputate. There was a very slim chance of the surgery with screws and plates holding since there was barely any room to adhere screws to under the fracture, but the option was still given. So, due to cost and the stress it would cause to put the cat through two surgeries if the first one failed, we decided to amputate his leg. The vet agreed we were doing the right thing, but it was still a hard decision to make. On Monday, January 22nd Chococat’s leg was amputated. He spent the night at the vet for observation and he was able to come home on Tuesday, January 23rd.