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He fell in his POO!

Chococat is 4 days post-op. He pooped for the first time after surgery, yesterday evening! My husband saw him in the act and went to get the scooper to get it out of his litter box right away. He was only gone 15 seconds. When he came back to Chococat’s crate there was poo everywhere. He’s been having a hard time with the amputated and it has been hard for him to balance and get in and out of the litter box. Choco must have fallen down while trying to climb out resulting in the poopsplosion. It took 2 hours to clean him and the crate. It took so long to clean him because the poo got on his incision area. We called the vet and they gave us instruction on how to clean it properly. Good thing is, we go for a check up tomorrow and we will have the vet look at the incision area to make sure nothing is wrong.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening again? Right now we are removing his litter box and putting it back for him to use every couple hours so we can watch him go and clean up right away. Maybe puppy pads? Hopefully this doesn’t happen again, but it seems like everyday is a new adventure.

Here are a couple pictures before the poo-incident.

10 Responses to “He fell in his POO!”

  1.   Petra
    January 26th, 2018 | 4:30 pm       Reply

    This happened to our tripod kitty a couple of times after surgery too! He will quickly learn how to have better balance and it will stop happening. So sorry but I guess there’s not much you can do to help, they will have to figure it out because their balance is so off right now. :/

    •   chococat
      January 26th, 2018 | 5:03 pm       Reply

      Thanks for your comment 🙂
      I wish we could jump ahead in time and get past all this… lol. We are trying our best but it is really something that he needs to learn and overcome. Each day he gets better and better. We try our best to support him and take care of him. Our daughter is doing an exceptional job helping and nurturing him, too!

  2.   Heather Anderson
    January 26th, 2018 | 4:37 pm       Reply

    How is he doing now? What type of box are you using and what type of litter??my guy is 5 days post op as well.

    •   chococat
      January 26th, 2018 | 5:00 pm       Reply

      I hope your baby is doing well post op!
      We have a round litter box, which is probably making it harder. We are going to pick up a rectangular one tomorrow to see if its easier for him. As for litter – We are using Arm and Hammer clump and seal. We are almost out of it and we will be switching to a paper litter instead of the clay litter (just for the time being). The vet recommended the paper litter since it will not stick to his skin as much especially if he happens to sit in his litter box or if it gets on his incisions.

  3.   benny55
    January 26th, 2018 | 5:13 pm       Reply

    Awww….Such a sweet face.

    Sorry about the poop fiasco!
    If you go over to the forums under thr TRIPAWD KITTY THREAD you’ll find a ton of information about recovering cats and litter box issueswith lots of solutions.
    Recovery doesn’t @ast forever…it just seems like it! Hang in there!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    •   chococat
      January 26th, 2018 | 5:17 pm       Reply

      Thanks !! 🙂 I will definitely check out that thread on the forums !!

  4.   Purrkins
    January 26th, 2018 | 5:31 pm       Reply

    We cut our litter box out for Purrkins he is a front leg amputee. It made all the difference for him to get in and out of. I had a friend with a rear leg amp she used a box temporarily and cut that down, switched as needed and went back to using a regular low lipped after recovery.

    We didn’t switch our litter and were not asked to. If you do switch make sure you have you regular litter available not all cats take to abrupt litter changes we have seen that over and over and the cat doesn’t know what the paper is for. Just keep that in mind if it works great but have the one he is used to using available if he isn’t going in the new type.

    We had to use a Dremel tool to cut ours the plastic is so tough, picture of what we did.

    Also a rubbermaid tote you can cut those easily with a box cutter if you have one of those.

    Look for something along the lines if you can’t cut what you have.

    He will get his figured out I promise. Purrkins was doing good on day 3 not every recovery is the same but they do all figure it out!

    Holly & Purrkins

    •   chococat
      January 26th, 2018 | 6:20 pm       Reply

      Oh thoses are great suggestions! I made the mistake of cutting a cardboard box and making a lower entry area aka makeshift litter box. I came back 10 mins later and the box looked like confetti and there was litter everywhere. So I will probably go with one of these you posted. Lol. Everyday is a learning experience.

  5.   paws120
    January 26th, 2018 | 7:13 pm       Reply

    We did like Holly and cut one side down on one of our boxes. After a week or so he didn’t need it. I still have it, geez if you were close I would give it to you! Hang in there, it does get better!
    Jackie and Huck

  6.   mommatux
    January 27th, 2018 | 1:04 am       Reply

    So sorry to hear about the poop problem.

    Tuxedo is also a rear amputee. Right after surgery, the vet recommended we use newspaper strips, not shredded paper or the yesterday news litter. He said it eliminated the risk of getting litter in the incision & more cats prefer it over pellet type. The fact that it is essentially free did not hurt either.

    While he was healing, Tuxedo’s regular litter box was replaced with empty pizza boxes. The cardboard & newspaper were absorbent enough for pee and the walls high enough to keep the torn strip newspaper in place to cover the poo. When it got dirty, I just closed the box lid and threw the whole thing away. My neighborhood pizza joint even donated 30 boxes once I told them why I wanted them.

    Tuxedo now uses a regular litterbox and clumping litter with no problems.

    Best wishes for a very speedy recovery!
    -Dawna, Tuxedo, & Dazzle

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